January Mini-Retreat:

Connect with the ‘Book’ of Your 2025

One of the most powerful practices I’ve developed over the past few years is a process of connecting with the ‘Book’ of my year, containing a powerful theme and lots of potential for exploration.

In contrast to ‘intentions’ or ‘resolutions,’ the themes emerge through a process of deep listening, active imagination, and playful exploration.

Throughout the year, I find myself returning to the theme and the expression that emerges from it as a touchstone and guide in moments of challenge, opportunity, and decision.

It’s been a game changer.

So I’ve distilled the practice into an easily accessible, playful, replicable process that I’m excited to share with you.

Join us for a powerful journey to connect with the themes and messages that are seeking to guide you into the new year.

About the Workshop

Here’s my theme for 2024. It was very useful.

What to Expect

This year’s theme.
As you can see, no artistic skill is required :)

Over the course of a 2 hour mini-retreat, you’ll go through a process of:

  • Attuning your senses to receive information

  • Activating your imagination to create a ‘library’ space where you will check out your Book of 2025 (this is super fun!)

  • Checking out your Book of 2025 and seeing what the title page holds

  • Engaging your creativity to translate the title page through writing, art, color, or whatever form of expression flows through you

By the end of our time together, you’ll have a powerful theme for your year, a ‘real world’ artifact holding the energy of that theme, AND a replicable process to return to your Book of 2025 for further insights! Pretty good for 120 minutes, right?


  • Nope! I’ve piloted this process with folks who are self-described skeptics and non-meditators. It works great. All you need is a willingness to explore, play, and see what happens.

  • Yes! Everyone who registers will receive a recording as well as an MP3 with a condensed version of the process we’ll move through over the course of the workshop.

  • I think so (though I’m slightly biased)! I’m someone who has a mild panic attack when asked to draw, paint, or express and I’ve found this process to be incredibly powerful in helping me suspend judgement and allow energy to express through me. And, as you can see from the examples on this page. . .it’s not great art :)

About Michael

I’ve been offering breathwork, healing, and coaching work all over the world for the past 10 years. My clients have included everyone from multi-national CEOs to teens grappling with anxiety and panic. The common thread that weaves us all together is a deep curiosity about the inner and outer worlds, openness to exploration and change, and a deep call towards greater alignment, wholeness and connection.

. . .and sometimes, we just want to feel better.

The process we’ll be exploring in this Mini-Retreat weaves together elements of guided visualization, MindScape and the BodyTalk System, shamanic practices, and creative expression. I’ve been refining the process we’ll go through together in this workshop for the past four years and finally feel that it’s in a place to be shared more widely.

I’m looking forward to diving in with you!

Register Here!

If you would like to participate and funds are tight, please use the code ‘FRIENDOFMK’ for a $15 discount.


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